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In occasione della festa eno-gastronomica svoltasi a fine ottobre a Rivarolo Mantovano abbiamo creato il … NOSTRO MENU’ MANTOVANO.

All’ inizio, abbiamo ascoltato più volte dei testi di cui abbiamo cercato di capire il significato globale (a partire dai termini  già conosciuti ), poi  abbiamo iniziato a usare la lingua (prima in forma orale ) e prodotto, a gruppi e con l’ aiuto dell’insegnante,  il nostro menù! 




RISOTTO ALLA MANTOVANA  is prepared with “pesto”(minced pork meat seasoned with garlic and pepper and sauteed in butter with chopped onion) and the indispensable Grana cheese.

Its real name is RISOTTO ALLA PILOTA, from the word “pilatura”, as its origins are attributed to the workers involved in the “pilatura” . (Alberto, Lavina, Greta, Riccardo, Davide, Edoardo S., Reyan, Anas)





As with other pork-based specialities, this sausage is a winter tradition which comes after the pig-slatghtering and the various associated meat-processing activities.

It is soft to the touch and it has a pleasant smell of fresh meat, with a whiff of garlic.

It is sold extremly fresh.

This sausage is eaten cooked, in a number of different ways, but it is expecially good griddled or cooked in a pan with wine and herbs. (Jacopo B., Noemi, Alessandro, Simone, Matteo)




This is a traditional country dish. Greppole and ciccioli are traditionally eaten late in autumn and in winter. They are preferably served as  an appetizer, but can make a delicious second course with polenta. Lambrusco is an excellent wine  to accompany them. (Greta T., Lorenzo, Andrea R., Hana, Giulia, Stefano)



Lambrusco DOC is one of the most famous wines from the province of Mantua.

Lambrusco Mantovano is a sparkling red wine, which can be drunk every day with appetizers, but it also goes well with desserts. (Andrea Z., Jacopo R., Cecilia, Miryam, Edoardo M. )


Classe Quarta. 

Scuola Primaria 

Rivarolo Mantovano

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